Ok, So I've kinda been slacking on the blog writing. But I figured now that I'm home and the internet is free I should back on it! Plus it will be a great way for all my big fans out there to follow me when I move in August.
I guess yesterdays exciting day also helped inspire me. What happened yesterday? We went to the Pioneer Woman Cookbook signing! If you've never heard of her, you really should visit her website
thepioneerwoman.com. She's amazing, She's cute and hip, she has four adorable kids, she takes amazing photos, she's funny, she's great at telling stories and portraying her country life. Although I am a huge fan of hers, I know nothing compared to my best friend Lauren. Seriously, ask her any question and she can tell you. She always knows what the pioneer woman is up to and has made just about half of all her recipes, which always turn out incredible.
So for an early birthday present I got Lauren her cookbook and tickets to her signing!
She was pretty stoked not to be going turkey hunting and also because her last two birthdays have been spend doing this:
Canning Salmon!
Poor girl will spend her third birthday in Dillingham this year and because of that I really haven't gotten her a gift lately. So I decided to surprise her by making a cake from scratch (didn't even know was possible) and getting her the cookbook and tickets!
So yesterday we left bright and early with our first stop being the outlet mall in North Bend.

Then were off to PLU in Tacoma to visit our good friend Erica.
After lunch on campus, we ventured off to the Tacoma mall where I got my my make up done
and did some shopping. We spend most of our time looking for a dress for Erica. Here were some of my favorites:
Cute huh? Erica ended up finding a winner though and it was fifty percent off! Woot. Anyways after that it was time to say goodbye to Erica and drive up to Third Place Books which was just north of seattle. While waiting for our letter to be called (letter B) we saw Ree walk in!
A little late after being stuck in traffic but she, her daughter and her mother in law made it safe and sound!
Because we had letter B tickets, thanks to my 'Uncle Del' who was kind enough to pick them up early for us, we only had to wait 45 minutes till we actually saw her!
I made Lauren go first and than it was my turn!
I was really only able to stutter out something like 'thanks for coming." I was hoping and planning on saying on much I love her and want to be her when I grow up but what are ya gunna do in such a presence?
Lauren and I smiled all the way to the car. We were twitterpated. I'm not sure if that's a word but that's how I felt. It was soo exciting! We got in the car and couldn't believe it. We were on our way when we realized we didn't get to talk to her daughter so what did we do? Turned that car right around and went back and got our picture with her!
She's only twelve as is sooo tall! Its crazy to look at pictures of her on the blog now that I've met her. She had such a cute little twang to her soft voice. Ah man I wonder if she knows how cool her life is.
I love how little Lauren looks next to her! After that we were satisfied and drove on down to the Cheesecake Factory! It was delish. I wish I would of taken a picture of my food to show how pretty it was. Mmm speaking of that my leftovers are waiting for me in the fridge. =)
Some more shopping at Bellevue Square and we were on our way home listening to Dixie chicks and repeating how awesome our day was and how we actually met the Pioneer Woman!