Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mitad del Mundo!

The last few days of our trip were spent in Quito, Ecuador
We spent one day walking around old town and another we accidently got on the wrong bus and spend the day touring the south part of the city. It was a rather pleasant mistake. 
Since we were in the country named after the Equator we had to visit it! 
Talk about being in two places at once.
On our way back to the homestay, on our last day, we were at we saw a lady selling some strange fruit so we decided to try it. It was small furry like balls that we figured out you had to peel.
To get this white flesh that was edible and actually pretty good.
 Goodbye Ecuador
Goodbye Latin America.
It was an amazing almost four months. I learned so much about myself, people, and the world. I can't wait to travel and see more places.
I know my writing abilities aren't the best so check out Arianna's blog. She has talent.
Shoutout to Arianna who I met in Alaska last year. I would of never did this without her. She is an awesome travel buddy, an incredible writer, and a great friend. 

On the flight back, we made a Top Ten list of our adventures, so here it is:
10. Relaxing on a raft on Lake Apollo with blue skies above and turquoise water below.
9. Sleeping in the Cabanas in Mastatal, Costa Rica, in the middle of the wild jungle.
8. Boat ride from hell to Isabella in the Galapagos, where almost the entire boat was throwing up.
7. Zip lining through the tall trees of Moneteverde, Costa Rica
6. The small town dance in San Miguel, Costa Rica, where the DJ auctioned off a chicken and a bottle of whiskey
5. Salsa dancing for 6 hours straight in Melgar, Colombia
4. Eating a turkey that we killed ourselves for Thanksgiving.
3. Taking the bus to Puriscal, but ending up walking over landslides, climbing mountains, and walking through coffee plantations
2. Volunteering with the kids on our last night in San Jose and eating pears during mass
1. Swimming with the penguins in the Galapagos.

It was hard to narrow down my pictures to show what I had been doing but now you're all up to date. =)
I'm so thankful that I got this opportunity and would advise anyone to not let a chance pass them by to explore something new.

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